What is the VA rate per hour?

What is the VA Rate Per Hour?

Virtual assistants (VAs) are becoming increasingly popular as businesses look to outsource tasks and streamline their operations. But what is the VA rate per hour? This article will provide an overview of the VA rate per hour, including entry-level and experienced rates.

Entry-Level VA Rates

Entry-level virtual assistants are typically paid between $2.50 and $5.00 per hour. This rate is suitable for those who are just starting out in the virtual assistant field, and may not have the skills or experience to command higher rates.

Experienced VA Rates

More experienced and specialist virtual assistants can expect to be paid between $3.50 and $10.00 per hour. These rates are suitable for those who have a good amount of experience in the virtual assistant field, and can demonstrate their expertise.

Factors Affecting VA Rates

There are a number of factors that can affect the VA rate per hour. These include the type of tasks being completed, the level of experience and expertise of the virtual assistant, and the size and scope of the project.


In summation, the VA rate per hour can vary significantly depending on the level of experience and expertise of the virtual assistant, as well as the type of tasks being completed. Entry-level virtual assistants can expect to be paid between $2.50 and $5.00 per hour, while experienced and specialist virtual assistants can expect to be paid between $3.50 and $10.00 per hour.